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  • Amarylis 171

Tipe cocok untuk keluarga kecil milenial yang harmonis & penuh kehangatan.

Memiliki 3 kamar tidur, 3 Kamar mandi dengan kamar mandi di dalam kamar tidur utama.

Fasilitas dan bahan yang kami gunakan hampir semua merupakan SNI dan berkualitas

-> Pondasi tiang pancang

-> Beton bertulang

-> Double dinding antar rumah

-> Lantai Ruang utama homogenius tile 60x60cm

-> Kusen pintu alumunium

-> powder coating & PVC

-> Plafond rangka Hollow galvanis SNI, Interior Gypsum Board, Exterior Gypsum Wr

-> Atap metal roofing dengan peredam suara dan panas

-> sanitair solid engineering & PVC

-> Instalasi pipa PVC dan Pipa air panas dan dingin
-> Listrik 2200VA

All product, product spesification and data are subject to change without notice to improve reliability, functon or design or otherwise

    Jalan Raya Perjuangan, Bekasi Utara, Kotamadya Bekasi

    Tel: (021) 89234888 | Whatapp Kingspoint Private Residences 08222228301

    @2022 KINGSPOINT PRIVATE RESIDENCES. All rights reserved.

    Disclaimer Clause

    Whilst reasonable care has been taken while preparing information on this website, the developer and its agents cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies. All statements are believed to be correct but are not to be regarded as statements or representation of facts. All information and specification are current at the time of publish and are subject to changes as many be required and cannot form part of offer or contract. All plans are subject to amendments approved by relevant authority. Rendering and illustrations are artist impressions only and cannot be regarded as representations of fact. Floor areas area approximate measurements only and are subject to final survey.
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